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Article: Sujata Adhikari

Sujata Adhikari -

Sujata Adhikari

A Khojee from day one, aside from being a co-founder of, Sujata Adhikari is an enthusiast of all kinds of art! “Art is a release; nothing can calm you down more than the paint-filled strokes of a brush…” In her free time, Sujata likes to draw and relax after a hectic day at work. Sujata comes up with witty caricatures and words to go together on her Handcrafted, pocket-sized memo pads. “Inspiration can strike any time, one should always have a little pocket diary to quickly jot down ideas,” says Sujata. Indeed, her quirky and bright persona is reflected in her work.

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Sohini Renaisa -

Sohini Renaisa

A modern fine artist by skill, Sohini takes most of her inspiration from the traditional art forms like Madhubani and Pattachitra that she observed closely in her culture. Her products reflect her ...

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Geeta Prajapati

From the beautiful city of Dehradun, Geeta paints rocks, diyas and several other things with only a motive of relaxing and enjoying herself. She realized her potential with art early on in her life...

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